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hawaiian shirt中文是什么意思

用"hawaiian shirt"造句"hawaiian shirt"怎么读"hawaiian shirt" in a sentence


  • 花衬衫


  • Ivy : that sounds great . all the guys can get hawaiian shirts and all the girls can wear grass skirts
  • Bush shows up in a red - and - white hawaiian shirt at his birthday party . if us president george w . bush felt any angst about turning 60 on last thursday , he sure was n ' t showing it
  • He showed up in a red - and - white hawaiian shirt . as for gifts , bush got a belt buckle from visiting canadian prime minister stephen harper and cuff links from staff
  • Dressed in hawaiian shirts and muumuus , mickey , minnie and the other characters go from table to table to greet all the guests , and lilo teaches all the kids a cute hula dance
  • Although his birthday was on thursday , bush began celebrating at a fourth of july dinner that included family and friends . he showed up in a red - and - white hawaiian shirt
  • A young writer , nearing a mental breakdown caused by his family and boss , moves into an apartment occupied by a walking , talking , foul - mouthed ape in a hawaiian shirt and converse high tops
用"hawaiian shirt"造句  
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